Educational Agent Monitoring Form

Agent Details
Educational Agent knowledge and office facilities

Does agent staff aware of company’s legislative responsibilities as an agent recruiting international students to Australia for study? (ESOS Act, National Code and other relevant legislation)

Does Agent staff have appropriate facilities to effectively counsel prospective students?

Does agent staff adequately trained and experienced to counsel prospective students coming to Australia for study?

Does agent staff have completed any of the following Agent training courses?

Promotional Materials

Does agent have copies of (or access to) current NAPS's marketing materials?

Does agent have hard copies of current NAPS's brochures?

Does Agent has knowledge of the following?

1. NAPS Programs available

2. Entry requirements (Academic and English Language)

3. Tuition fees and other costs

4. Teaching methods, assessments, qualifications

5. Campus location(s)

6. Accommodation options available

7. Ensuring each student understands the program/s they have been offered a place in

8. How to understand and accept the International Student Offer and Acceptance Agreement

9. NAPS refund policy

10. NAPS policies relating to students including Complaints, Grievances, Rights & Responsibilities &Transfers

11. DHA regulations (i.e. attendance, course progress, work entitlements, change of provider, change of address)

Agent Performance for NAPS

Does the Agent's company complies with the terms of the current Agent Agreement and any associated conditions?

How many applications has this agent submitted to NAPS since appointment/last review date?

How many students from this agent have enrolled at the NAPS since appointment/last monitoring visit?

Provide reasons why applications from prospective students did not progress to enrolment?

Provide the number of student visa refusals (if any) from this agent for NAPS?

Person completing this form /Authorised NAPS Staff